We Need Your Vote to Launch WYND DEX Now!

Pavlov’s Bell 🍃
2 min readJan 19, 2023


As part of the final launch sequence, we created proposal #66 to create the initial liquidity pools. Thanks to the community support and participation, this proposal passed. Our plan was to have a smooth user experience by bundling the creation of all initial pools into a single governance proposal.

However, given Juno’s decreased gas limit to 10m on 10/25/2022 https://www.mintscan.io/juno/proposals/44 , the gas required to execute proposal #66 exceeds Juno’s max gas limit and therefore cannot be executed. In order to launch the initial pools, proposal #66 needs to be broken down into 5 separate proposals to ensure each proposal adheres to Juno’s gas limit.

Typically, governance proposals on WYND DAO will take 7 days to pass. However, recognizing the community’s excitement and expectation of WYND’s imminent launch, there is an alternative solution that will allow proposals to pass much sooner. Proposals that have 51% or more of the total voting power voting “YES” can be executed instantly.

If you would like to see the DEX launch in under 7 days, then we encourage you to vote on proposal 69–73. Given the circumstances, the WYND foundation will also stake 5,000,000 $WYND into 1 year unbonding period to gain voting power to assist in the timely launch of the DEX. Once proposal 69–74 passes and are executed, the WYND foundation will immediately unstake the 5,000,000 $WYND after the proposals are executed as not to dilute staking rewards. Unstaking these tokens also ensures they are illiquid and will not earn rewards for the next year.

Given the excitement that we have seen from our community, we believe that the participation required to pass these proposals before the 7 day voting period is possible. For those of you who ask, “When DEX?”, the power to launch WYND DEX now lies in your hands.



Pavlov’s Bell 🍃

Vires In Numeris Cosmonauts. WYND DAO Community Lead. Cosmos Freelance Writer